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Patrick van Denzen (TMF Group): Making a Complex World Simple


Following a career that started at ABN AMRO Trust Company (Luxembourg) S.A., Patrick van Denzen has spent most of his career at TMF. Started as a junior accountant, rising via the legal services team to executive roles, he’s now Market Head for Luxembourg, Germany, and Switzerland.



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Global Experts in Local Administration


Van Denzen has a clear vision of what TMF represents. “Our purpose is to ‘make a complex world simple’,” he explains. “By providing administrative services including fund administration, incorporation, , regulatory, accounting and tax filings, we help our clients to run legal entities compliantly and efficiently, so they can focus on their core business.” With 121 offices in 86 countries, TMF Group has experts all over the world making sure that rules and regulations are adhered to. “Some of the world’s most exciting countries are also the most challenging to operate in,” Van Denzen continues. “The challenge is increasing as the international economic order fragments. We absorb complex local rules so managing them need no longer be a factor in our clients’ investment decisions.” Those clients include over 60% of the Fortune Global 500 and FTSE 100, and almost half of the top 300 private equity firms.



“Some of the world’s most exciting countries are also the most challenging to operate in.” 



Spotting Risks, Seizing Opportunities


“In the last decade, the way we do business has drastically changed due to the national, European and international legal requirements,” Van Denzen explains. “We went from a predominately transactional activity to a more regulated and sophisticated environment. Increased regulation led to more opportunities for rendering services.” In this changing climate, TMF looked for a way to boost its services, acquiring a regulated management company based in Luxembourg. “Luxembourg is the second largest investment fund centre worldwide after the USA, with 5.03 trillion of asset under management. The country is known internationally by its political, economic, and regulatory stability, offering the perfect framework for investors.” The company is also accelerating its transformation towards digital and sustainable ways of working, and all this requires new skills. “We have global training programs followed by our almost 10000 employees. This allows them to have the necessary tools to offer our clients the expertise and quality they require.”



The Right Tools for the Job


One of TMF’s key proprietary publications is the Global Business Complexity Index (GBCI), its annual report ranking 77 jurisdictions on the ease of doing business. “Each year the impact and influence of the GBCI grows, providing invaluable insight for our clients and organisations around the world, and making governments sit up and take notice. The 77 jurisdictions account for 92% of global business and 95% of FDI flows so it has truly global reach.” Alongside this, TMF KRAIOS, the company’s digital platform, lets clients access analytics and insights that will support them in their work. Augmented by AI, it brings the latest technology to bear alongside localised insights. But why invest in tools like this, when TMF has already acquired so many high-profile clients? “Because in order to make a complex world simple for our clients, we need insights and tools that make it easier to navigate,” Van Denzen says, “so our clients can focus on running their business or investing around the world.”





  • Birthday: 28 February 1971

  • Place of birth: Geleen (the Netherlands)

  • Nationality: Dutch

  • Children: No

  • Language: Dutch, English and German

  • Hobbies: Running, scuba diving and travelling




  • Cities: Berlin, London and New York

  • Places: Curacao

  • Restaurant: Kbeef, Le Plëss

  • Music: All sorts



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